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Buckner Homes Realty Inc.


Phone (352) 266-2637
Mobile (352) 266-2637 - Mobile
Address 2701 SE Maricamp Rd STE 103,
Ocala, FL 34471 United States


"Rhonda is Broker/Owner of Buckner Homes Realty. She has been in real estate since 1993 with experience in residential and commercial sales and rentals. She offers unparalleled service, because she love to help people!! Rhonda will guide you through the pitfalls of the home buying process with their knowledge and expertise. She works with buyers and sellers to list and sell single family homes, condos and investment properties in equal measure. Rhonda is a stellar negotiator when representing you the Seller or Buyer. Rhonda listens closely to all of your wants and needs and gets them accomplished.

With the kind of know-how that comes from years of successfully selling real estate, Rhonda Buckner can handle the most complicated real estate transactions. Her insight into the Ocala community has made Rhonda Buckner a local expert at putting together smooth, trouble-free transactions- and lots of them!"

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