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Alfa Kitchen and Bath


Phone (954) 391-7886
Mobile (954) 391-7886 - Mobile
Address 2201 Stirling Road #102,
Dania Beach, FL 33312 United States


Alfa Kitchen and Bath is an importer of high quality products for the kitchen and bath located conveniently in Dania Beach but also serving Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The company prides itself on finding the highest quality, durable, and most innovative products throughout the world. The main products they offer include faucets, vanity tops, prefabricated granite kitchen counter tops, porcelain bath sinks, glass vessels, grids, pedestal sinks, stainless steel kitchen sinks, wood cabinets as well as everything else needed to create a beautiful kitchen, guest bath, or master bath. Alfa Kitchen and Bath is headed toward becoming a leader in select markets in the United States and Latin America while providing customers with high quality products, the latest designs, styles and complete kitchen and bath project support.

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